
Our farmers bring us fresh vegetables every day. We use asparagus from Konchan Farm and other unique seasonal vegetables.


“苺ファーム森本”さんの女蜂いちご。まんじゃーれでは三木町の森本さんと契約をしています。ご主人のいちごに対するこだわりは相当なものでジューシーで甘い女蜂いちごが 当店で味わえます。
We are pleased to offer Strawberry Farm Morimoto’s Nyoho Strawberries. You can see the owners passion for strawberries when you bite into a juicy sweet strawberry.

Meat & fish/お肉と魚介
We use Kagawan brand meat and fish. Olive Beef, Olive Yume Pork and Seto Inland Sea Fish and Seafood brought in directly from Shido Fishing Port. We are pleased to provide guests with ingredients that they can only enjoy here.

Olive oil/オリーブオイル

We use Salvagno Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This olive oil has won at Italian Food Shows and International Contests. This olive oil is made from organic olives and boasts special aromatic characteristics in addition to a mellow flavour. That is why it is the main oil in our restaurant.
Salad dressing/ドレッシング
左/まんじゃーれドレッシング ¥700(税込)
Our salad dressing is made with vegetables, grain vinegar, oil and seasonings. We do not use any additives or preservatives.
our salad dressing is available for sale in the restaurant.
left: mangiare Salad Dressing 700 yen (inc. tax)
right: Japanese-style Salad Dressing 750 yen (inc. tax)

Lunch & Dinner ticket/ランチ&ディナーチケット
お誕生日や結婚記念日のお祝いに、大切な方へ感謝の気持ちを込めて。大切な方への贈り物に如何ですか?まんじゃーれでは”ランチ&ディナー チケットの販売を開始致しました。詳しくはお気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ。